18 Jan 2017 Legislative Day (including Committee Day) 2017 Legislative Day (including Committee Day) Wednesday, January 18, 2017 (7:00 AM) to Thursday, January 19, 2017 (8:00 PM) Red Lion Hotel - Olympia Events, Government, Hill Day Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationScheduleCancellation Policy Online Registration is now Closed Onsite Registration will be Accepted for Hill Day, January 19th at a fee of $75 COMPLIMENTARY FIRST TIME ATTENDEE REGISTRATION FOR HILL DAY IS NOW CLOSED _________________________________________________________________________________________ Join us for two amazing days of defending our industry in Olympia while enjoying a networking opportunity with hundreds of other REALTORS® from across the state. Box Lunch on Committee Day - Wednesday, January 18th: $22 There is no charge to attend the Committee meeting however if you wish to have a box lunch pre-purchased for you that day. Hill Day Registration - Thursday, January 19th: $50 and a late registration of $75 after January 12th The Hill Day registration fee includes meeting materials, Hill Day box lunch, shuttle transportation between the Red Lion Hotel and Legislative Reception, and admittance to the Legislative Reception. Installation Banquet - Wednesday evening, January 18th: $50 Selections are Salmon, NY Steak or a Vegetarian meal choice. Dress Attire is Formal or Cocktail. Hotel Reservations: Red Lion Hotel Reservations - 800-733-5466 - 2300 Evergreen Park Drive SW, Olympia. Red Lion Hotel - Olympia 2300 Evergreen Park DriveOlympia, WA 98508 Map & Directions TitleWhen Installation Banquet - Paid on Square Begins 01.18.2017 (6:30AM) Ends 01.18.2017 (10:30PM) 2017 Hill Day (Select if you want to attend Hill Day, January 18 and 19) Begins 01.18.2017 (7:00AM) Ends 01.19.2017 (8:00PM) Box Lunch - (Committee Day (Select to pre-purchase a box lunch. Price: $22.00) Begins 01.18.2017 (7:00AM) Ends 01.18.2017 (5:00PM) Installation Banquet (Select this if you want to attend the installation banquet. Price $50.00) Begins 01.18.2017 (6:30PM) Ends 01.18.2017 (10:30PM) ..Extra Installation Banquet Ticket. (Select if you want to purchase another ticket. Price: $50.00) Begins 01.18.2017 (10:31PM) Ends 01.18.2017 (10:32PM)