22 Nov NAR Code of Ethics - 3.0 NAR Code of Ethics - 3.0 Friday, November 22, 2024 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) 3.0 Education Credits Live Webinar, NOTE: Online attendance is monitored and you must have your camera on. Class, Code of Ethics, COE, Courses, Education Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationInstructors All REALTORS are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time within three-year cycles. We are currently in Cycle 7 running from January 1st 2022 to December 31st 2024. Upon completion of “The Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism†course, participants will be able to: Identify key aspirational concepts found in the Preamble to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS Code of Ethics Describe “general business†ethics, and compare and contrast the REALTORS Code of Ethics with business ethics, generally Describe the concepts established in Articles 1, 2, 3, 11, and 16 of the Code of Ethics and identify possible violations of the Code of Ethics specifically related to those Articles Describe the professional standards process for enforcing the Code of Ethics, including the duty to arbitrate Identify critical elements of due process as they relate to Code enforcement Live Webinar Live WebinarLinks to join the webinar will be emailed to students 1 day prior to class.Class requirements to receive clock hours are: students must attend the full class.NOTE: Online attendance is monitored and you must have your camera on., Map & Directions Mark Kitabayashi, AHWD, CIPS, IMS, CSP, ASP, SRES Mark Makoto KitabayashiManaging Broker, ABR, AHWD, ASP, CIPS, CRS, CSP, C2EX, e-PRO, MRP, PSA, RSPS, SFR, SRESREALTORS for 20 years in WA, and involved in many aspects of RE, including Association Leadership, Local Jurisdiction, Global Instructor-Presenter(Residential, New Construction, Foreclosure, Global Investment)*NAR National & Global Instructor (COE, CIPS, AHWD, ABR, etc.)*2021 NAR Global Coordinator Asia/Pacific*Thurston County Regional Planning Commission-Housing Advisory Committee*Homes First-Thurston County – Advisory Committee*AREAA (Asian Real Estate Association of America)-Local and National Advisory Bord*2016-2020 NAR Global Ambassador to Japan & Mongolia*2019- NAR Regional Vice President (Region 12)*2017- NAR Extended Leadership Team/Committee Liaison- Global Business*2013- President of Washington REALTORS*2006, 2010 – President Thurston County REALTORS