01 Apr Washington Real Estate Fair Housing Washington Real Estate Fair Housing Tuesday, April 1, 2025 (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) 3.0 Education Credits Live Webinar, NOTE: Online attendance is monitored and you must have your camera on. Class, Courses, Education Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationInstructors This is part of the required WA State 30-hour continuing education instruction. The first active renewal after June 1st, 2022, must include the 6-hour Washington Real Estate Fair housing class. With every renewal afterward, licensees must complete a 3-hour course. The purpose of this course is to introduce real estate brokers and managing brokers to the federal Fair Housing Act (42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.) and the Washington Law Against Discrimination (chapter 49.60 RCW) as it relates to real estate transactions. The course will teach real estate brokers and managing brokers the historical and societal context of housing discrimination, legal framework intended to prevent housing discrimination, and steps to take to prevent housing discrimination. Topic Area I: Historical and Societal Context Topic Area II: Legal Framework Topic Area III: Role of the Broker and Managing Broker Live Webinar Live WebinarLinks to join the webinar will be emailed to students 1 day prior to class.Class requirements to receive clock hours are: students must attend the full class.NOTE: Online attendance is monitored and you must have your camera on., Map & Directions Mark Kitabayashi, AHWD, CIPS, IMS, CSP, ASP, SRES Mark Makoto KitabayashiManaging Broker, ABR, AHWD, ASP, CIPS, CRS, CSP, C2EX, e-PRO, MRP, PSA, RSPS, SFR, SRESREALTORS for 20 years in WA, and involved in many aspects of RE, including Association Leadership, Local Jurisdiction, Global Instructor-Presenter(Residential, New Construction, Foreclosure, Global Investment)*NAR National & Global Instructor (COE, CIPS, AHWD, ABR, etc.)*2021 NAR Global Coordinator Asia/Pacific*Thurston County Regional Planning Commission-Housing Advisory Committee*Homes First-Thurston County – Advisory Committee*AREAA (Asian Real Estate Association of America)-Local and National Advisory Bord*2016-2020 NAR Global Ambassador to Japan & Mongolia*2019- NAR Regional Vice President (Region 12)*2017- NAR Extended Leadership Team/Committee Liaison- Global Business*2013- President of Washington REALTORS*2006, 2010 – President Thurston County REALTORS